Why You Should Get Breast Thermology
Thermology Clinic Hosted By The Health Creation Lab Tuesday Oct 22nd 2024.
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Thermology (also known as Thermography) is a pro-active investigation that assess the function of the breast tissue. We want the right kind of vessels in our breasts. Ones that have a healthy response to our nervous systems.
Solid cancerous tumours need to make their own blood vessels once they get to a certain size. These vessels are not built very well and they do not respond like healthy normal vessels. These deficiencies in vessels may be the earliest signs of breast cancer (may be 5-8 years prior to other methods of investigation). Very simply, hot skin may indicate underlying tissue with cancerous changes. We are grateful for the pioneering work of Folkman (1) in the area of neoangiogenesis.
To identify these unhealthy blood vessels, the key is a cold challenge. Unhealthy blood vessels will not respond and constrict as the surrounding healthy vessels will. Healthy vessels will uniformly constrict and cool both breasts and chest after a 1 min cold water challenge.
Special equipment is used to detect these changes called high-sensitivity digital radiometric focal plane infrared cameras paired with computer software (2). No contact is made with the breasts with the above mentioned equipment, and there is no risk of radiation exposure. No squeezing, no awkward positions, no needles (Phew!). The equipment allows for digital temperature measurements to be made of the entire chest.
With thermology we get a range of results indicating varying degrees of health and dysfunction. Thermology may reveal clues about fibrocystic tissue, drainage problems, tissue changes, metaplasia, and cysts.
Breast thermology is not a substitute for x-ray mammography. Thermology provides indications of risk for breast cancer and comprehnsive investigation. Scans are recommended to do annually.
The Procedure
You will be asked to remove all clothing and accessories from the upper half of your body. Facing the equipment and thermographer images will be taken. For the cold challenge, you will place your hands into cold water for 1 min. Pre and post challenge images will be compared. Breasts get hot for a variety of reasons, so we use the cold challenge to remove these confounding variables from the assessment.
Interpretation of the images is done via the Marseille system which gives scores ranging from 1 (healthy normal) to 5 (urgency required, highly abnormal). Signs that are being evaluated: asymmetry, hyperthermia (hot), diminished response to cold challenge & complexity of pattern. You can view a sample report here.
Thermology is safe for the following groups:
Breast implants
In addition to routine mammograms
Fibro-cystic breasts
Dense tissue
Surgical reduction
Previous biopsies
Small and large breasts
Post-menopausal, including those on HRT
Post surgical monitoring including lumpectomy and mastectomy
How to prepare for a thermograph:
Know that you will be exposing your breasts to the thermographer
No need to bring anything
How to Book
Direct questions to julie@somatherm.ca or visit somatherm.ca for more information.
Folkman, J. (1971). Tumor angiogenesis: Therapeutic implications. 285(21):1182-1186. N Engl J Med.
Thermology: The Equipment. (2020). Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory LLC. Retrieved September 15 2022 from https://thermascan.com/equipment.
The disclaimer… The amazing thing about humans is that we all have incomparably unique health profiles and needs. The health-related information contained in this article is intended to be general in nature and should not be used prescriptively or a as a substitute for a visit with a naturopathic doctor. This info is intended to offer general information to individuals. If you have questions about how these strategies could be used in adjunct to your current heath regime, book and appointment with us or consult a licensed naturopathic doctor for individualized care.