Become the healer in your own story
Become the healer in your own story
Reclaim your innate ability to heal
and thrive by reconnecting with your
body, sensuality, and inner wisdom.
Earth Person
We learn to reach for the Earth and remember that our healing is her healing.
Pussy Portal
We remember that all life comes from the void within the womb. We honour and respect this portal as a sacred gift.
Diamond Hearted
We enter the bedchamber of the Divine and make love to our wholeness, knowing we have access to the secrets of all life through the portal of our heart.
The Earth Needs You Tuned In & Turned On
Keep the earth and your pleasure centered while you harmonize your hormones.
Far too often when we hear about hormone healing there is no talk about how pleasure or our connection to the Earth is part of the process. An ecosensual approach allows you to find your totality. Juicy. Dripping. Nourished. Rested. Intuitive. Strong. Fertile. Resourced.
Find structure and reception to reclaim balance…Succulent hormones are your birthright.
We find the balance of masculine and feminine in our lives and in our bodies to unravel the rapture that it is to be a woman. We use an equal measure of science and spirit to support our goals and allow nature to reveal herself within us.
Any condition(s) that is hormone related can be treated with this approach.
-Teen years including painful and irregular periods, hormonal acne, mood changes, conception education, safe sex practices
-Menstrual pain, abnormal menses, amenorrhea, clots, heavy bleeding, iron deficient, mood swings
-Fibroids, cysts, PCOS, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain
-Pain with sex, change in libido, history of sexual trauma, chronic vaginal infections, vaginal microbiome
-Chronic urinary tract infections
-Family planning, preparing for pregnancy, seasonal detox, cycle tracking, pleasure practice
-HPO axis, heart-womb connection, reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, LH, FSH, pituitary gland, thyroid, TSH, T3, T4, etc)
-Fertility journey, inability to conceive, miscarriage
-How to prepare for pregnancy
-Natural remedies during pregnancy
-Birth plan
-Preparing for birth, Labour prep
-Post-partum period
-Never well since labour, birth trauma, loss of pregnancy or infant, grief
-C-section healing
-Changes in menstruation, heavy bleeding, iron status
-Vaginal dryness, change in libido
-Hot flashes, night sweats, change in temperature
-Changes in weight
-Bone density
-Aging gracefully
-Hysterectomy support
After years of searching, healing and serving i realized that supplements and hormone testing are often not enough.
i remembered who and what i am, and i want the same for you. Let’s do this!
- xo Dr. Chelsea ND
Browse my IG for more Ecosensual inspo
Ecosensual Hormone
Healing Approach
uninterrupted story telling, tracking patterns, noticing the details, radical honesty, compassionate heart, comprehensive intake process to streamline onboarding
laboratory testing, physical exams, diagnosis, fluent in conventional ways of knowing, able to be an anchor in an ever expanding "health" scene
Research, refinement, root causes, simple and elegant strategies, creating the conditions for health, time-tested philosophical frameworks
Hand blended, herbal tinctures, herbal teas, homeopathic medicines, whole foods, water therapies, somatic awareness, sensuality practices, hands-on techniques, supplements when needed
4-12 months of 1:1 coaching, collaborative, intimate, in-depth, building skills; in person and virtual, variety of learning opportunities
custom-designed healing journey for each individual, multi-layered, titrated for optimal nervous system match, well rounded (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual), highly intuitive guide